Bus in Los Angeles
According to UITP’s knowledge base, the bus is the most used mode of public transport around the world. With millions of journeys being taken daily, we know there really is no sustainable mobility within our cities without boarding the bus.
Length of public transport routes
9,672.78 km
Compare dataCovid-19 ridership fall
86.5 %
Average daily ridership during a work day
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Number of public transport stops
Compare dataPublic transport ridership
241,587,000 Journeys
Compare dataSchedule compliance/punctuality
78.5 %
Average headway during peak times
12.57 min
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Covid-19 change in service - VKM
100 %
Fleet of public transport vehicles
Compare dataVehicle-kilometres in operations
Compare dataLength of dedicated PT operational infrastructure
this is a test
161.01 km Per M inhabitants
Compare dataAccessibility for people with reduced mobility
100 %